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Pricing Discounts for Brain Research

The Princess Margaret Genomics Centre is happy to announce that qualifying single cell and spatial genomics projects focused on brain research will receive discounts!

Criteria to qualify for a discount:

  1. The tissue or cells submitted for services must originate from human, mouse, or other model organisms.
  2. The tissue or cells submitted for services must be derived directly or cultured from either normal or diseased central nervous system (brain and spinal cord).
  3. Client is a Canadian-based researcher.

Examples of qualified samples include:

  • Any region of brain and spinal cord
  • Brain primary and metastatic tumours (if the metastatic brain tumour is the topic of study)
  • 2D-cultured CNS cells
  • 3D-cultured CNS organoids and spheroids

Assays supported by the program and the applied discounts include:

Assay Discount Applied on*
10x Genomics 3' v3.1 & v4 single cell mRNA profiling 12% library prep
5' v2 & v3 single cell mRNA profiling 12% library prep
Flex fixed cell mRNA profiling 12% 4-Plex and 16-Plex library prep
Multiome single cell mRNA+ATAC profiling 12% library prep
Visium CytAssist spatial mRNA profiling 12% library prep
Visium HD 12% pair of slides/library prep
Xenium spatial mRNA profiling 12% per run
Xenium Prime 5K Gene Expression 27.5% per run
Xenium Prime 5k Gene Expression Custom Human/Mouse Panels 27.5% per order
Mission Bio Tapestri Single cell DNA profiling 12% library prep

Discounts available while supplies last
* Library prep does not include sequencing

Contact us at to confirm that your project qualifies for a discount!