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Princess Margaret Genomics Centre

Comprehensive Genomics Solutions

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Welcome to the Princess Margaret Genomics Centre

Established in 1998, the Princess Margaret Genomics Centre (PMGC) is dedicated to providing access to cost-effective and high quality genomics services. We service local, national and international clients from both academic and commercial research organizations. The PMGC has solutions for a broad range of experimental needs. Our specialities include standard and custom-tailored DNA sequencing techniques using Illumina technologies, epigenomics, panel-based profiling (Luminex and Nanostring) and functional genomics. Single cell genomics applications on a variety of popular platforms is one of our most popular services. We also specialize in unique and custom techniques that aren’t found at most service providers. If you are looking for a service that you don’t see on our website, inquire!

PMGC is a 10x Genomics-Certified service provider.

News and Updates

Read all about what we've been up to


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DNA and RNA Sample Quantification/QC

We provide several services for characterizing your RNA and DNA samples, whether they are purified nucleic acids, sequence ready libraries, or anything in between.
To submit samples for BioAnalyzer, please download this form and submit with your samples. For other quantification services please contact a PMGC team member.

Sample Quantification and QC
  • BioAnalyzer
  • TapeStation
  • NanoDrop
  • Qubit
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Illumina Sequencing and DNA Microarrays

The PMGC houses a full suite of Illumina sequencing instruments including MiSeq (x2), NextSeq 500, NextSeq 2000, NovaSeq 6000 and NovaSeq X Plus. We perform library prep and sequencing services for a wide variety of assays. As for DNA microarrays, our service offerings are currently limited to DNA microarrays provided by Illumina.

▸ Sequencing

Sequence-ready library types accepted:

Whole Exome ChIP Micro-RNA
Whole Genome ATAC Cut&Run
Target capture panels Methyl-Capture Low/Hi-C
Bulk RNA Seq MeDIP 10x Genomics (all types)
Custom primer configurations RIP-Seq Inquire for others

Library types that we can prepare and sequence from your nucleic acid samples:

Whole Exome Whole Genome Target capture panels
CRISPR-Cas9 screens Bulk RNA-Seq ChIP (pulldown by client)
Micro-RNA Inquire for others

Library types that we can prepare and sequence from cells/tissue:

Hi-Chip Capture Methyl-Seq Inquire for others
▸ DNA Microarrays
  • Infinium Methylation EPIC
  • Infinium Omni 2.5 Exome
  • Infinium GSA
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Single Cell Genomics

Analyze gene expression and DNA mutations at single-cell resolution with our wide range of innovative technology offerings.

10x Genomics
  • 3' single cell or nucleus gene expression
  • 5' single cell or nucleus gene expression with or without immune cell V(D)J profiling (TCR/BCR)
  • Single nucleus ATAC-Seq
  • Multiome - same-nucleus ATAC+gene expression profiling
  • Single cell CRISPR 3' or 5'
  • Feature Barcoding (Cite-Seq), Cell Hashing, and CellPlex (sample multiplexing) are available
  • Flex - profiling of cells and nuclei that have been formaldehyde-fixed
Parse Biosciences
  • Highly multiplexed RNA sequencing on nuclei or whole cells
Scale BioSciences
  • Highly multiplexed RNA sequencing on nuclei or whole cells
  • Single cell methylation assay on nuclei
Mission Bio Tapestri
  • Panel-based DNA mutations and CNV with the option to quantify cell surface proteins
Plate-based single cell mRNA sequencing
  • Takara Bio’s SMART-Seq mRNA single cell assay
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Spatial Omics

Spatial Omics integrates microscopy of tissue sections with readout of the transcriptome, proteins, and more. This allows one to collect information about the positional and phenotypic aspects of the cells whose transcriptional patterns are being interrogated. This novel technology is an extremely powerful extension of conventional histology!

10x Genomics
  • Visium HD
  • 3rd generation Visium for FFPE ultra high resolution spatial RNA profiling
  • Visium spatial transcriptomics (fresh-frozen and FFPE)
  • Visium CytAssist - the improved 2nd generation Visium workflow for FFPE and fresh-frozen tissues
  • Xenium - sub-cellular resolution transcriptional profiling
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Nanostring and Luminex

Quantitative panel-based gene and protein expression assays from Nanostring and Luminex.

  • Multiplexed ELISA
  • Secreted protein quantitation
  • Protein phosphorylation quantitation
  • Gene expression analysis
  • Single-cell gene expression analysis
  • Copy number variation analysis
  • miRNA expression analysis
  • PlexSets for high-throughput applications
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The PMGC has a team dedicated to validating and performing standard and emerging epigenomic and genome conformation assays. If you have an interest in an assay not listed below, contact our team to discuss.

Available assays:
  • ChIP-Seq
  • Bulk ATAC-Seq
  • CUT&RUN (Services paused)
  • Hi-C (Services paused)
  • EM Seq
  • Biomodal duet multiomics solution evoC (6L-Seq) and +modC (5L-Seq)
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Functional Genomics

Use genome and transcriptome editing tools such as CRISPR, CRISPRi, CRISPRa, and others to interrogate gene function.

PMGC provides:
  • Deep expertise to assist/advise in the design and execution of successful screens and the assays for hit confirmation and validation.
  • A comprehensive collection of genome-wide and focused sgRNA libraries for mouse and human.
  • Design and construction of custom sgRNA libraries.
  • Sequencing readout of CRISPR-based screens


No, the PMGC performs research services only.

The PMGC is interested in participating in collaborative research projects with academic and commercial groups. We are particularly interested in collaborations which can be funded by small or large collaborative grants. A key area of focus for us is in the area of protocol and technology development. If you are interested in a collaborative project with us, please contact Troy Ketela (click name to open email).

Shipping samples:
Please ship samples out on a Monday/Tuesday to prevent weekend delays and ensure arrival during working days. For frozen samples, transport in an appropriate container with sufficient dry ice to ensure dry ice will remain for the duration of the delivery. For international clients, we recommend shipping with World Courier for tissues/cells. Within Canada, or if shipping DNA/RNA, we recommend FedEX Next Day Priority services.

Shipping address:

Attn: (insert PMGC contact person)
Princess Margaret Genomics Centre
101 College St.
PMCRT, Rm 9-601A
Toronto, Ontario M5G 1L7

Customs Information
Please note that special paperwork is required for shipping samples, including RNA or DNA, from locations outside of Canada. For the Customs documentation, please liaise with your PMGC contact and shipping vendor for the information required. The UHN Customs Officer will generate the appropriate Customs document and send it to you via e-mail. The Customs document must be included with the waybill on your package.

Please reach out via email either directly to a PMGC team member, or to


Contact Us

Princess Margaret Genomics Centre

The Princess Margaret Genomics Centre is located at:

Princess Margaret Cancer Research Tower
101 College Street, Rm 9-805
Toronto, Ontario, M5G 1L7

Phone: (416) 634-8816
LinkedIn: princess-margaret-genomics-centre

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